How to get your Lupo Italiano to stop digging

Unlike the moles that will decorate your garden with small mounds, since you adopted your Lupo Italiano, your garden has become a golf course! Indeed, you have noticed holes all over your grass and the responsible person is none other than your Lupo Italiano. So what...

The 3 best dog treats for Lupo Italiano

Often given to your Lupo Italiano when you leave to relieve your guilt or to distract him, treats are part of your dog’s daily life. You also give it to him to reward him when he has obeyed an order or when he has been wise, or when you return from a long...

Best flea collars for Lupo Italiano

Your Lupo Italiano is always scratching… You understand that he has fleas! Not only is it embarrassing for your pet, but you worry that fleas will jump and spread on your couch, bed or children. So you want to consider the best solution to rid your Lupo Italiano...

Lupo Italiano growling, what to do?

In some situations, your Lupo Italiano starts to growl. Faced with these growls, you don’t understand, you are helpless, you don’t know what to do. This post can help you understand when and why your Lupo Italiano may growl. What to do to stop a Lupo...

Best outdoor dog house for Lupo Italiano

It will be very cold and your Lupo Italiano must stay outside during the day. So you are considering offering him a beautiful dog house where he will be able to find refuge and feel comfortable. But faced with the large number of dog houses on the market, you are lost...

How to cut Lupo Italiano claws?

You have noticed that the claws of your Lupo Italiano are too long. This can have negative consequences. Indeed, more serious than your parquet floor or your scratched sofa, your Lupo Italiano can be embarrassed to walk, can slide on the floor or suffer if the claws...

What bones can you give to your Lupo Italiano

You want to make your Lupo Italiano happy by giving him a bone to trim. But you also heard that there would be bones that you can give to your Lupo Italiano and others not, that sometimes it is dangerous to give a bone to your Lupo Italiano, that bones are not good...

The 5 best harnesses for Lupo Italiano

Collar or harness for your Lupo Italiano? While it is true that the collar is essential for a puppy (authentication medal and training to walk on a leash), it is not, in some cases, perfectly adapted to an Lupo Italiano adult. In fact, most veterinarians recommend the...

The 3 best perfumes for Lupo Italiano

Perfume or cologne for Lupo Italiano? You can’t stand the bad smell your Lupo Italiano may have at times? While you wash your Lupo Italiano regularly, your Lupo Italiano has a strong odor or sometimes smells like wet Lupo Italiano. If you no longer want to be...

Best airline to travel with a Lupo Italiano

After reading our previous post How to travel by air with your Lupo Italiano? you are now ready to book your tickets for a flight with your Lupo Italiano. You must be aware that the conditions of transport of Lupo Italiano by air will vary depending on the airlines....

How to travel by air with a Lupo Italiano?

You are going to travel by air with your Lupo Italiano very soon. You are stressed and have many questions… Which airline will accept my Lupo Italiano? What documents and procedures are required? Under what conditions will my Lupo Italiano travel by air? What...

The 2 best collars for Lupo Italiano

Why should you buy a collar for your Lupo Italiano? Because your Lupo Italiano must be kept on a leash when you walk him (legal obligation in all places open to the public), the collar is an equipment that you will use every day. Indeed, keeping him on a leash will be...

How to help a Lupo Italiano lose weight

Your Lupo Italiano is a little too big, its weight is a little too high… Be careful! The consequences can be serious (cardiovascular diseases, shortness of breath, increased dysplasia, articulation problems…). If you want to keep your Lupo Italiano...

How to wash a Lupo Italiano

You love your Lupo Italiano and of course want him to be clean at all times. To do in this case, you will need to wash him regularly. But now you are wondering: when, where and how to wash my Lupo Italiano properly, where to wash my Lupo Italiano: In a bathtub, in a...

What is the best coat for a Lupo Italiano

Does your Lupo Italiano need a coat? While it is true that not all dogs always need a coat or raincoat, there are Lupo Italiano for which it is really useful or even essential. Indeed, if they have not been used to the cold, if they are more fragile because of their...

Best dry dog food for Lupo Italiano

Food is a very important point that contributes to the health of your Lupo Italiano. And if you want your Lupo Italiano to be in good physical condition and full of energy, it will be essential to feed it properly. When he is well fed, a Lupo Italiano will have good...

The best brush Furminator for Lupo Italiano

Most of Lupo Italiano lose their hair. The severity of the fall depends on their age, gender and external factors, such as stress, temperature, diet or seasonal changes (see our article: My Lupo Italiano is losing its hair, what should I do?). As we have seen in this...

The 5 best toys for Lupo Italiano

Just as your Lupo Italiano needs to eat, sleep, walk… he needs to play. Indeed, the game satisfies his social needs.  Your Lupo Italiano asks to communicate with humans and with other Lupo Italiano to be in a good balance. Playing strengthens his relationship...

How to transport a Lupo Italiano in a car

Whether your Lupo Italiano is 6 months, 1 year or 5 years old, you will have to transport him by car one day or the other. Indeed, for a visit to the veterinarian, for a trip on vacation or for a walk in the woods, your Lupo Italiano will have to be transported by...

How to make a Lupo Italiano puppy clean?

After the joy and the excitement of getting your small Lupo Italiano at home, comes now the time of complications… Your puppy Lupo Italiano is peeing and pooping everywhere in your house which irritates and worries you in some ways. Now, you know you’re...

Best Lupo Italiano puppy food

You have just adopted a little Lupo Italiano puppy and it’s happiness in your family! But now, you have to take it seriously and, to begin with, you have to feed your Lupo Italiano puppy properly…. First of all, know that feeding your puppy well means...