You have noticed that your Irish Water Spaniel has more frequent stools, that they are very liquid and have a very bad smell? No doubt, it is diarrhea. And of course, you worry, especially if your Irish Water Spaniel is only a few months old….

This article will try to answer the questions you have:

What can cause diarrhea? When should you worry about it? Can diarrhea be dangerous for a Irish Water Spaniel, for a puppy? How to stop the diarrhea of your Irish Water Spaniel? What treatment for benign diarrhea?

In which situations should you worry about your Irish Water Spaniel diarrhea?

Diarrhoea causes

Diarrhea of a Irish Water Spaniel can be one of the consequences of digestive disorders, diseases or infections: Diseases of the liver, kidneys, food allergies, viral or bacterial infections, chronic inflammation of the intestine, digestive tract, intestinal obstruction…

Puppy diarrhea

If your puppy has diarrhea, you should worry about it as soon as possible because, being more fragile than an adult Irish Water Spaniel, he is likely to become dehydrated very quickly. In addition, his immune system may not be sufficient. So, the best thing to do is to take him immediately to his veterinarian.

Adult Irish Water Spaniel diarrhea

If your Irish Water Spaniel has diarrhea, you will need to observe your dog on a daily basis. And if he looks down, if he has a fever, if he seems to have a stomachache, if there is blood in his stool and if the diarrhea does not go down after 2 days (with a small diet), then do not wait and show it quickly to a vet.

Can diarrhea be dangerous for your Irish Water Spaniel?

Except for the cases listed above, diarrheas are generally not severe. They are often linked to a simple digestive disorder (overeating, changing kibbles…) which can be easily and quickly adjusted with an adapted diet and/or a small complementary treatment.

The only risk that can be serious is dehydration, so it is advised to give your Irish Water Spaniel something to drink as often as possible when he has diarrhea.

How to stop the diarrhoea of your Irish Water Spaniel?

First, you will have to put your Irish Water Spaniel on a diet for at least 1 day: no more food at all but a lot of water.

Then, you can prepare “diet” meals to give him 3 or 4 times a day (small portions). It will be necessary to give him white rice with his cooking water, cooked carrots, pumpkin, white chicken cooked in water, steamed potatoes. All food must be fat-free.

After 2 days, if you have noticed an improvement, you can gradually reintroduce your old diet by alternating diet and usual food.

But if after 48 hours of diet, the diarrhea has not decreased, then you will have to take your Irish Water Spaniel to his veterinarian.

What treatment for benign diarrhea of a Irish Water Spaniel?

Remedy + Recovery Diarrhea Control for Dogs

Look at the price

Remedy, food treatments or supplements can also be effective against diarrhoea. The one we have selected will help your Irish Water Spaniel to regain its gastrointestinal balance. It helps the gastrointestinal system to regenerate gently and resume natural activity. In this way, the mucous membranes are soothed and the intestinal flora regains its balance.

What do users think about it?

This product is very well rated by Internet users. They are satisfied with this product for minor troubles. Many recommend it because it is very effective and their Irish Water Spaniel are happy to take it.